My Life, My Future

A graphic showing a person with a rocket ship with the title "My life, My future"

Developing independence is a fundamental part of life. It is what allows us to be ourselves and helps us to find our place in the world. And true independence should not come at the cost of losing connections with other people around us.

Regardless of your story, the same things matter to everyone – love, reliability, stability, safety and support. Having positive and meaningful relationships in our lives plays a big role in allowing us to be truly independent.

The following pages contain useful information, advice and resources to help you live a fully independent life.


Relationships and connections

Having people around us, who we can trust and rely on, means we feel safe, secure and cared for as we get older and become more independent. The following pages contain useful information, advice and resources to help you have positive relationships and connections in your life.



Keeping healthy, well and safe

Keeping healthy, well and safe means we can get the most out of life and take advantage of the opportunities open to us. Knowing how to look after ourselves, and where to turn to for help when we need it, gives us the tools to succeed as we get older. The following pages contain useful information, advice and resources to help you keep healthy, well and safe.



Foundations for an independent adult life

The following pages contain useful information, advice and resources to help you build the foundations for independent adult life.



Carers and workers

Information for carers and workers is available here. There is also lots of information about a range of topics on the Devon Children and Families Partnership website.